14 Search results

For the term "christmas ornament".

Mini Piñata: A Pinterest Challenge Post

Miniature taco and martini pinatas based on a Pinterest pin from Studio DIY | SuzerSpace

Like many projects I try here on SuzerSpace, this mini piñata project has a bit of a twisty road to its start.

In the mornings, I ride a stationary bike and listen to podcasts. A few weeks back, I was listening to one about a woman who wanted miniature piñatas to give away as wedding favors, but she couldn’t find a vendor. She had her wedding without them, but the idea stuck with her, and eventually she figured out how to make them and she launched an Etsy business that let her quit her day job.

That sounded kind of neat, so I click through the show notes to her Etsy store, and sure enough, they are super cute.

And because of the way the internet works, my Pinterest feed flooded with DIY miniature piñata projects.

I don’t know if you know this, but I really like small things. Tiny cars (this is on my bucket list), tiny craft supplies, tiny crafts. Love them all. (I included a standard shot glass in the photo at the top of this post for scale.)

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Santa Hat Tree Topper

A super easy paper Santa Hat topper finished out the twelve paper ornament series for SuzerSpace

This is the final in a series of twelve paper ornaments I’m making this year, one a month so that I could complete my goal of having a Christmas Tree full of paper crafted ornaments.

Yes! It’s December, and we’re done. Twelve different paper decorations adorn my tree, and I’m so glad I took this on in January as a project. It was fun to make these all year (OK, it was a little weird in the summer, but I liked it).

I even scored a great deal on the perfect tree, so the entire project came together with weeks to spare.

A paper Santa Hat topper finishes off the twelve paper ornament series at SuzerSpace

I went with a super duper easy to make Santa hat to cap things off (see what I did there?).

Continue Crafting

Hello December 2018!

Hello December! An update on the events at SuzerSpace for December 2018

For the past year or so, I’ve posted on the last Monday of the month about events at SuzerSpace. I called it “Currently” and all of a sudden, it struck me that was not really a great title since it really was a roundup of the previous month.

I’ve decided to change things up, and start posting on the first of a month, with an update on what I’ve been up to, and what the next month may hold. Continue reading…