It’s the beginning of April, and although it snowed last week, today it was 76 degrees and sunny. Kansas City weather is predictably unpredictable.
That’s got me wanting to do ALL THE THINGS, and cross them off my never ending lists in my beloved Bullet Journal.
Inspired by Samantha Dion Baker , this month I’m skewing my square sketching practice to a more journal-istic approach, trying to capture every day objects that tell the story of what’s going on. So far I’ve drawn the excavation machines and traffic warning cones that are all over the street marking where the sidewalks and driveway aprons are being replaced.
I’ve also been experimenting with the 99 jillion decorative stitches on my sewing machine, figuring out how to make monsters, dinosaurs and robots for some incredibly visible mending on Mr. SuzerSpace’s jeans.