Now – April 4, 2023

It’s the beginning of April, and although it snowed last week, today it was 76 degrees and sunny. Kansas City weather is predictably unpredictable.

That’s got me wanting to do ALL THE THINGS, and cross them off my never ending lists in my beloved Bullet Journal.

Inspired by Samantha Dion Baker , this month I’m skewing my square sketching practice to a more journal-istic approach, trying to capture every day objects that tell the story of what’s going on. So far I’ve drawn the excavation machines and traffic warning cones that are all over the street marking where the sidewalks and driveway aprons are being replaced.

I’ve also been experimenting with the 99 jillion decorative stitches on my sewing machine, figuring out how to make monsters, dinosaurs and robots for some incredibly visible mending on Mr. SuzerSpace’s jeans.

Pop Up Headband

Pop Up Headband tutorial | SuzerSpace

So full confession, I made a pop up headband with a New Year’s theme for Mr. Suzerspace and myself, and planned to share the tutorial in time for other’s to make their own. And then I totally didn’t.

But the pop up headband came out great and I still wanted to share, so here’s a tutorial using the same construction technique, but not specific to New Year’s Eve.

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Fall Fun

October Small Sketch Drawing

(Or what I did in October, 2022)

Fall is my very favorite. Just a little cold, a lot of color, and the days start counting down to my two favorite holidays – the start of the NHL season (that already happened!) and Thanksgiving.

This month I:

  1. Made English Muffins. Really. It’s way easier than you think, and the part where all the recipes say you can’t use 100% whole flour? WRONG. Yes, they are dense. And delicious.
  2. Made Wheat Thins. “Susan, why are you baking all these things?” you may ask. Well, it started out by necessity (forgot to add them to the weekly grocery delivery) but now that I’ve tried making my own, I’m never going back. This particular recipe calls for vanilla and butter, but I skip the vanilla, use light olive oil and add salt-free seasoning blends to make my own spicy versions.
  3. Cleaned my sewing machine. Do you sew? Then stop right now, watch this video and go clean your sewing machine. Even if you don’t have oil (but get some), you’ll be stunned and grossed out by what all the fuzz, and your machine will sound so much better for it.
  4. Continued my every day drawing practice. That cutie up at the top is my quick colored pencil sketch of one of my favorite Halloween decorations for the house. Instead of just using small squares of watercolor paper, I’ve
    *graduated* to using scrap paper from the recycle bin at work that I had a friendly co-worker punch and bind into a little notebook for me.

Hope your Fall has been Fabulous!

DIY Colored Pencil holder

Roll up paper tubes to create a holder for colored pencils

Previously I posted about my love for my inexpensive colored pencils.

I’ve continued my sketching and coloring habit and I really enjoy it – every evening after I get home I sit for about 15 minutes or so and draw an “object of the day.” 

Mr SuzerSpace helps out by recommending random things around the house. I think he finds my drawings entertaining (who else does he know that sketches seltzer cans, spice jars and shoes?), and I am POSITIVE he enjoys how quiet I am when I’m coloring.

The only thing I really don’t like about my setup is trying to find the right colored pencil for the finish work. I had them in an upcycled jar, and that was OK, and I cut some cardboard dividers to try and keep it organized, but it was fiddly and didn’t really work.

So of course I spent several evenings browsing Pinterest and You Tube looking for a new solution.

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Cut a shape right where you want it

Center a shape on an already existing sticker | SuzerSpace

At the beginning of the month I finally replaced my aging computer. I’d been thinking about it since January or so, but the weekend before I wanted to do something simple and it took so long to start up and then crash that I finally realized it was time.

Also at the beginning of August, I started a new bullet journal.

How are these two things related, you ask? I’ll give you a hint – SuzerSpace is a craft blog.

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