This is the sixth of a series of twelve paper ornaments I’m making this year, one a month so that when December rolls around, I won’t be surprised to discover I’ve done nothing about my wish to have a fully paper crafted Christmas Tree.
I have some very nice neighbors who live behind us, and the way our yards and fences are, we can kind of see into each other’s houses, but we aren’t full on exposed. Sometimes when I’m in the back part of the kitchen where I craft, I can see them in their living room, and they are usually doing something very normal, like watching TV or fetching something from the kitchen or letting their dog out.

I wonder if they ever look across the way and see me scrunched over my craft desk (it faces the windows) sticking red letters on green paper and threading them with red and white twine, right there in the middle of June. I’m not sure that “crafting a series of paper Christmas ornaments” crosses their mind.
But sure enough, that was what I was doing. Because I decided that June’s Christmas Ornament project was going to be letters that looked like Christmas Sweaters strung into a garland.
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