Currently: September 2018

Currently: September 2018 at SuzerSpace

At this time every month, I post a roundup of what I’ve been up to. Just like always, I’ve titled it “Currently: September.”

But this month, it seems like it should say “Suddenly.”

Seriously, where did this month go?

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Paper Peppermint Candy Ornament

Create a quick paper peppermint candy ornament for the holidays | suzerspace

This is the ninth in a series of twelve paper ornaments I’m making this year, one a month, so that when December rolls around I won’t be surprised I’ve done nothing about my wish to have a full paper crafted Christmas Tree.

Here’s another super simple and kind of sweet (pun intended) paper Christmas ornament. This one aims to be a mash-up between the Christmas Cracker favor from the UK and a peppermint candy.

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3 Ways to Try New Crafts On for Size

3 ways to try a craft on for size include vendor websites, maker classes and skillshare

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If my time and money were unlimited, I’d jump into every craft I see, full force, with all tools, supplies, classes and books.

Unfortunately, my time and money are tightly budgeted.

But I’ve found three good ways to try a craft or skill on for size for little or no money, which lets me get a taste of things so I can decide if it’s something for me or not.

I’m skipping the straight up obvious way of Googling and using YouTube. There’s nothing wrong with going that route, but I’ve found that often gives me conflicting and piecemeal information. I can’t figure out if I don’t like something because it isn’t fun, or if it’s because I’m not getting what I need to be successful at it.

More concentrated instruction is what I’m looking for. Here are my favorite ways to acquire it. Continue reading…

Later Gator T-Shirt

Later Gator T-shirt uses a freezer paper stencil for hand painting

A couple of weeks ago a cute photo of a kid in a T-shirt popped up in my Instagram feed. It was the son of a blogger that I follow, and the shirt was a play on the See you Later Alligator children’s rhyme.

And I instantly knew two things:

  1. The shirt was not going to be available in adult sizes.
  2. That wasn’t going to matter because I was going to make my own.

My standard method for creating one-off shirts is the freezer paper stencil.

I’ve detailed this process a few times, but I’ve had a few questions on some of this, so I thought I’d share the basics again.

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Currently: August 2018

Currently: August 2018. A roundup of activities at SuzerSpace

Try as I might, I have trouble living in the moment.

In particular, the near end of one season makes me really wish the next one would show up already.

In February, I’m wishing for Spring.

In August? I’m completely done with the high heat, humidity and sky high utility bills. Bring me Fall already! I know technically that doesn’t happen until September 21st, but in my mind, Labor Day is the official end of summer.

Before Fall does come, though, here’s a look back at August at SuzerSpace. Continue reading…