Painted Monster Rocks

Turn rocks into fun monsters with just a little paint and a lot of imagination |

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Welcome to the third Tuesday of the month (What? How is that possible?), which means it is Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop Time hosted by My Pinterventures.

The purpose of the Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

Sometimes I like to work on really intricate crafts with lots of pieces, measuring and patience. And other times, I really just want to do something that looks to be really easy and fun.

Enter this month’s pin –

I’ve had it on my board for a while, with a bunch of other painted rock pins.

Side story – Mr. SuzerSpace and I like to walk to a neighborhood grocery store on Saturday mornings. The route takes us past some of those Little Free Libraries and a super cute little stand that is called “The Art Tree” which operates on the take-a-penny leave-a-penny principle in that you are supposed to leave an object of art if you make one, and take one when you need one.

Conveniently, the stand is near a schoolyard full of rocks.

I think you can guess where this is going.

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Happy Snowman Door Hanger

A Happy Snowman Door Hanger comes to life with a little paint and cardboard | SuzerSpace

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If you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for door decorations. Pick your season or holiday – I bet I have a sign for it. In fact, I have made so many signs and door hangers that I need to come up with some sort of system for displaying and storing them off season, but that will need to be a subject for a different post (mostly because right now I don’t have a good solution).

After I took the Christmas wreath off the front door, I realized that I had an opportunity for a new look, and my thoughts turned to a happy snowman.

Like most of my door hangers, this one is crafted from lightweight cardboard, which I like to use for two reasons – it’s really, really inexpensive (for me, it’s free because I get it from the recycling bin at work) and because it is so light, hanging it isn’t a big deal.

Click here to keep crafting!

Hello January 2019!

Start 2019 off with a free printable calendar that folds up to fit under your monitor | suzerspace

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The beginning of a new year is historically that point where you reflect on last year and make your resolutions/intentions for the next.

For me, it’s also the anniversary of starting this blog.

First up, a quick wrap up of December activities –

  • The Apple Watches remain a big hit. I had a Fitbit for more than 3 years, and I really liked it, but the watch has more fitness features and partly because I think they are better, and partly because it’s new, it’s been a great motivator for the winter season. I’ve added a LOT of activity to my day in an effort to close my green and pink rings, and my overall health is benefitting from it.
  • I completed my Yay Every Day Tracker. If you didn’t grab one last year, it’s available as a free printable download from this post. The concept is write down one thing every day that made you say “Yay!” which is about as much journaling as I can commit to. I must say it was fun this past weekend to look back over all my entries, and there are a good many of them that involve what I had for dinner, but it worked. I can remember a lot of the good things that happened in 2018 this way.
  • I’ve done something big and scary. I’ve launched an Etsy shop which so far has a few cutting files for Silhouette or Cricut cutting machines, but I have plans to add cards, notepads and a few other craft items. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but I kept putting it off trying to get it perfect before I shared it. I thought it would be harder than it was (isn’t it always?) and once I had that going I keep moving and set up accounts with two sites that will let me offer my artwork on a whole host of products.

So, big plans for January?

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Thank You Card

Create a custom thank you card with a hand lettered print or cut file from SuzerSpace

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Mr. SuzerSpace and I keep it very low key for the holidays. We don’t travel, and we don’t have extended family to shop for, so as it becomes “crunch time” for others, we just sit back and enjoy the sights.

After a beautiful (but brisk) walk in nice shopping area, we came back today to enjoy some old movies (for him) and some crafting (for me).

And I thought I’d share this Thank You card, because come tomorrow afternoon, you may need it.

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Christmas Tree Skirt

SuzerSpace finally gets a finished Christmas Tree Skirt thanks to a Pinterest Challenge.

It’s the third Tuesday of the month, so welcome to the December Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

We moved into this house right around Christmas in 1998, and things were so chaotic we didn’t even have a tree. We strung some lights on a dying potted plant and concentrated on unpacking boxes and getting moved in, and called it good.

Our house isn’t very big, and we needed a slim tree to fit the space without overwhelming the living room. Good ones were expensive, but I kept on watching the sales and eventually found something perfect for us. And then I realized at the last minute that I didn’t have a tree skirt, so I bought this cute buffalo plaid throw with moose and bears on it, scrunched it up around the base of the tree and called that good, too.

And that has worked perfectly, for nearly 20 years, mostly because I always think about doing something more coordinated on the day we are setting up the tree, which means it doesn’t get done.

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