Hello May 2019

A look back at April and a look forward to May in this Hello May 2019 review at SuzerSpace

Spring in Kansas City is my second favorite season (Fall is my very favorite).

The days are long and bright, the flowers and trees bloom -the pollen is terrible but I’m trying a new allergy med so we’ll see how that goes. But it’s time for Hello May – my look back at the past month and a look forward at what’s coming next at SuzerSpace!

Three things I really enjoyed in April:

  1. Hewitt Avenue’s Print Lettering Guide and her ProCreate Brush. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I’m super into learning how to do brush lettering. Most of my time has been spent on the cursive version, and I’m really liking Sarah’s take on the print.
  2. The Stanley Cup Playoffs. I’m a hockey fan, even though I came to the sport late in life (growing up in West Texas kind of limits your exposure to winter sports). This year has been super interesting with some wild big upsets in the first round. It’s almost worth staying up past my earlybird bedtime to watch.
  3. A new tradition. I have my annual physical in April, and I spend much of the end of March and most of April dreading it. This year, we tried something new – I took the entire morning off from work (so no guilt) and after the appointment Mr. SuzerSpace and I went to our favorite breakfast place for brunch. This was selfish in that it was a reward for getting through the appointment and gave me something to look forward to. It was also selfless, in that for the blood work I had to skip breakfast, so I did everyone at work a favor by stopping for food so as not to work hangry all morning.

Coming up in May –

  1. Spring planing season in Kansas City officially kicks off Mother’s Day weekends (no real threat of frost after that). Marigolds were a huge hit last year, I’m planning on going overboard on them this year.
  2. May is a month of racing fun – Monaco, Indy 500 and the Memorial Day Nascar race.
  3. Don’t forget Mother’s Day. If you missed it, last week I posted a freebie printable Mother’s Day card with a tutorial on making an envelope liner.

Mother’s Day Printable Card

Make a special card for a special day by adding an envelope liner to an instant download printable Mother's Day Card | SuzerSpace.com

Even in this really digital age, I think everyone appreciates an actual, physical card. Some holidays really seem to “require” them, and I think Mother’s Day is a good example of that.

But it’s tricky to remember to go to the card store and pick out a good one. And if you get there late, or worse, end up at the grocery store, the pickings may be slim. The good ones are all taken by those organized people who buy their cards early.

In my opinion, the invention of the instant download printable card was a really good one. You have the luxury of browsing from home, and when you find one you want, you can download it, print it, fold it and and you are done!

For this Mother’s Day, I’m offering you a free printable card to try out the process. And this one comes with a little bonus – a matching sheet of printable paper that makes a great envelope liner.


Ann Wood’s Very Nice Mice

For the April 2019 Pinterest Challenge, I brought Ann Wood's Very Nice Mice Pattern to life at SuzerSpace.com

Ever since I stumbled across Sew A Softie Month and made up a super cute reindeer, and then followed that up with a very sweet bear, I’ve been hoarding pins for my next project. I’ve detailed my lack of sewing experience before, but I have found if a project calls for inexpensive materials I’m pretty willing to give it a go since if it doesn’t work out I don’t feel too guilty about trying something new.

So this pin

ended up being my selection for the Pinterest Challenge for April. I could not resist the idea of making my very own “very nice mice”.

The Pinterest Challenge is a blog hop hosted by Erlene at My Pinterventures, and the goal is to help crafters actually MAKE some of the pins they’ve put on their various Pinterest Boards. Of course, if you NEED more ideas, feel free to follow mine!


Bunny Party Picks

Easily create special party picks for your next celebration using the print and cut feature of Silhouette Studio, some self adhesive sticker stock, and some toothpicks | SuzerSpace.com

A few weeks ago Mr. SuzerSpace and I were in this fabulous store that is crammed full of kitchen goods – some of them essential, like pots and pans, and some of them really not essential (spoons for scraping out the last bit of jelly from the jar, onion chopping goggles, and a teapot shaped like a chicken?). It’s in a building that dates back from the 1920s, and the hardwood floors creak as you walk across them, searching for treasures.

That day, we were actually hunting for a hamburger press, but it’s impossible to go there and not go up and down every aisle, and in doing so I spied these super cute “Party Picks” which were essentially oversize toothpicks that had little decorations on the top that looked like Cheese, Grapes and Wine Glasses. 

In true crafter fashion I said to myself “I can make those” and I decided that Easter Bunnies would be the perfect topic for my first attempt.


Hello April 2019

A look at what March 2019 was like, and what April 2019 may bring to SuzerSpace.com

The winter weather hung on until right at the edge of the Spring Equinox – it was bitterly cold the week before, and then boom, out came the sun and the 50 degree afternoons. It’s been so nice opening the front door during the day and not having to run in from the car after work because of the bitter cold.

Of course, it snowed on Saturday just to mess with everyone’s state of mind, but it was too warm to stick so it ended up being kind of pretty.

I’ve seen the tips of the daffodils poking through the leaves I didn’t rake up last year, and that’s a sure sign spring is coming, and they have survived April and even May snowstorms before.