
Things I Learned In April

Usually for the start of the month I write a quick look back and plan ahead post. This year I had the idea of working on three areas each month – learning a new skill, reading more (instead of scrolling more) and diving deep on a Skillshare topic. That worked well for the first beginning months of the year, but for late March and all of April, that wasn’t a good fit.

I’m lucky – I was able to work from home, not lose my paycheck and Mr. SuzerSpace and I were able to really follow the guidance of staying at home to minimize our exposure to the Coronavirus.

It wasn’t a month of normal crafting and learning. Instead, it was a time of really new challenges.

In April I:

Sewed facemasks .

And more facemasks.

And even more facemasks . Actually, this one doesn’t involve any sewing!

Had groceries delivered. As a picky eater this was harder than it should be. But I am forever appreciative of essential workers like those at the grocery and liquor stores and the delivery gig workers who kept us safe.

Cut my own hair. I have really short hair and while it grows fast and is pretty forgiving I found it hard to find a good video since most seem to show long hair which would be much easier to reach and see what you were doing. I found this one helpful, even though I don’t own a clipper or thinning shears.

Took a class on reading medical studies.

Learned how to jump start a hybrid car. Turns out if you don’t drive it for 6 weeks the 12 volt battery discharges and it won’t start. It’s slightly trickier than jumping a standard car.

Worried a lot. And then began to worry about my worrying. I found this helpful and reassuring.

So what does May hold? We will have to see. I bet it’s interesting😉.

What’s on my work table: April 2020

Home Sewn Facemasks for Covid-19

So March didn’t go exactly as planned. I didn’t have a lot scheduled, and then suddenly, all my time was spent scrolling. And worrying. Coronavirus and COVID-19 came into the US and I haven’t had any space in my head for much else.

I’m one of the very lucky ones, though. The company I work for is an essential business, but I’ve been able to work from home since the Kansas City Metro area declared a Stay at Home order on March 24. Mr. SuzerSpace has been working from home for years, so he’s shown me the ropes on scheduling, taking breaks and the best spot in the house for WiFi.

So on my work table right now? Sewing face masks – I’ve made two different styles, a basic pleated pattern and a more form fitting one. At this time, there still seems to be a debate about their use, but I’ve made my decision.

And a little something for the Bear door hanger to hold as well.

Stay Home. Stay Healthy. OK?

March 2020 Work in Progress

March Colorful Header

We celebrated the beginning of March by going on our first outdoor bike ride of the year. It was warm, but windy, but Mr. SuzerSpace and I were both getting stir crazy from riding the indoor bike all winter so we suited up and headed out.

The colors of the coming Spring sky reminded me I haven’t been watercolor painting in quite some time, so that’s headed to the top of the list for March.

I’m working my way through my economics reading, but a chapter a week has turned out to be too ambitious a goal, so I’ve dropped any pretense of a schedule on that. The radio program Marketplace that first suggested the project is providing a weekly episode that ties in with the reading. I’m usually commuting in to work when it plays, so I’m listening ahead, if you will. There are also email newsletters that I’m saving so when I get each chapter finished I can review it with that material as well.

I didn’t follow my Skillshare plan for last month – instead of deep diving in doodling I took several productivity classes and a neat class on smoothing out your script lettering which was short but packed with good self critique tips. My plan for March in this area is to find more courses by that teacher, and perhaps pick back up the doodle class I bailed on. That’s one of the things I really like about this subscription platform – it is totally fine to skip around and abandon classes if they aren’t a good fit.

Interested in a set of digital stickers like the artwork at the top of this post? I have a set in my Etsy shop, perfect for adding to digital planners like GoodNotes or Etsy.

February 2020 Work in Progress

A look at the work in progress for February 2020 | SuzerSpace

Here’s a look at what I’m working on this month at SuzerSpace. I’m including links to help you if you might be on a similar path.  Some of these links may be affiliate, which means I’ll earn a small commission at no cost to you. My full disclosure policy is here.


My February reading is going to take me into March and April as well. While commuting in to work I heard about a new way of teaching/learning about economics so I bookmarked the free online textbook mentioned in the program and I’m going to do as David Brancaccio suggested and work a chapter a week. I’ve already started and it’s serving as a great second round from my January book choice. 

Skill Improvement

Skills wise I’m working on my lettering and Procreate techniques. I found this awesome free resource for palettes for Procreate that match the Tombow pens that letter artists often use in those pretty Instagram shots. The only way I could justify my purchase of the iPad and Apple Pencil a couple of years ago was to promise myself I wouldn’t be buying a ton of colored pens – they were all “included” in my choice to go digital with my lettering. 

I’ll be using a new a color changing Procreate brush that is a super big help in working on the pressure changes needed to make those pretty thin and thick strokes needed for brush lettering. I made it after watching this  quick video from the twins at Loveleigh Loops.

Skillshare Classes

My Skillshare focus this month is doodling. The challenge I did last month was super fun and I’d like to go a little deeper into that. If you are interested, here’s the first class I’m planning on taking. And as a reminder, if you’d like two months free to try out Skillshare, this affiliate link will get you that (plus give me a small commission at no cost to you).

What’s on my worktable for January 2020

What I'm working on for January 2020 |

For 2020 I’m working on some new goals, and to document them I’m switching up my “hello this month” posts to this new format. 

I’m including links to help you if you might be on a similar path.  Some of these links may be affiliate, which means I’ll earn a small commission at no cost to you. My full disclosure policy is here.

I’m working on three areas each month 

  1. Learning a new skill or stretching to improve an existing skill
  2. Reading more (instead of low quality scrolling social media)
  3. Diving deep into a new topic each month on Skillshare
What I’m working on January 2020:

New or improved skill – I’m working a doodling challenge. The Petite Planner has a You Tube channel with a free doodling challenge for 30 days of Bullet journal doodles. I don’t actually keep a bullet journal, but I love to doodle and want to get better at it, and practice is always the answer. 

Speaking of practice, the super good hand lettering class that I did two years ago is starting up again – the first month is completely free and there’s no obligation to continue (although fair warning –  I became completely hooked and couldn’t quit).  Sign up here.

For January 2020 reading I have Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by  Hans Rosling downloaded from the library. It was on a summer reading list From Bill Gates. 

On Skillshare, I’m taking a deep dive into product photography this month. If you aren’t familiar with it, Skillshare is kind of a Netflix for online learning. You pay for a subscription, and that gives you access to as many classes as you’d like, and you can even watch them over and over if you want. If you use this link, you can sign up for a free trial of two months. Like many trials, you’ll need to set up an account, but as long as you cancel before the trial runs out, you won’t be charged anything.

Your turn – 

How about you – working on anything interesting this month?