I made this

Sparkly Spring Sign

A sparkly spring sign to mark the new season comes together from colorful papers.

And we made it!

Seriously, Winter is a long one here in the Midwest.

It starts out as a minor change to the fall, and the beginning of it is caught up in the fun of the holidays. And then it gets colder. And darker.

The weathermen go crazy if it snows. And they go crazy if it doesn’t snow.

Spring-like weather teased us in February. And then Winter came back.

But today, it’s for reals. Even if it snows again (and history says it might), it still is Spring.

Time for a new door decoration!

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Sunday Scrolling: March 19, 2017

  • My sister and I had a Lego collection that was pretty impressive. I still have a small selection; she has a ton of old and even more new for her kids. While pursuing the weekly list at Shutterbean this weekend, I saw this – might be the first time I actually participate in a startup fund project.
  • My first job out of college was copy editing at a newspaper. Back when newspapers were still thriving. This is the kind of thing copy editors used to debate while they waited for new stories to come in to edit.
  • And this was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. The first kid is funny. The second kid is funnier. And the mom? Oh my goodness.

Bicycle Pant Leg Keeper

Bicycle riding season is getting close, so I’m crafting to get ready.

In the Spring and Fall, I’m still wearing jeans when I ride, and even though my chain has a guard on it, I’m still pretty fearful my pant leg is going to get caught. I tend to have a more pant leg around my ankles than the average person, because I’m short.

I know how to hem jeans. I just don’t 😉 .

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Couch Mix

A few swaps makes this snack mix better for you

I’ve previously admitted to my weakness for onion chip dip. The quick review – I love that stuff so much I have to put it on lock down and only eat it from Thanksgiving through New Year’s (with two exceptions  – Super Bowl and Daytona 500 weekends).

I have a similar control issue with the snack mix that is universally called Chex Mix, whether or not it actually uses the brand name cereals.

Last year, we took a look at what we were actually eating in that mix, and changed up the recipe. I can’t realistically call it healthier, but I’d be willing to call it “betterfied.” And because it now packs more nutrition and way more fiber than most snacks, I’ve removed it from the quarantine calendar system.

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