I’ve been making an extra effort this year to be happy.
Not just sitting on the sofa, liking memes on Facebook that implore you to Choose Happy or Make your Own Sunshine.
Actually doing it.
Somewhere, I’m not exactly sure where, I came across the concept (and I’m paraphrasing here) that to be happy, you should spend more time creating, and less time consuming. So I dove in. Deactivated my Facebook account. Stopped following Twitter accounts that were angry or hateful. Added an Instagram that only shows me crafts.
For me, this works well – crafting makes me straight up happy. As a bonus, when I’m crafting, I’m not dwelling on any unhappiness around me. It’s second nature to see the silver lining in a crafting accident. It’s harder to be pleasant about something going wrong in life or at work, or in the world (as in, things I can’t fix anyway).
It’s even more fun to double down on this concept and craft a banner than inspires happiness.