Because I work for a commercial printer, sometimes I’m torn between asking for a work favor or figuring out how to do something by myself, on a smaller scale at home.
Notepads are a good example of this quandary. We make them at work, just about every day – we have a large jig set up and it holds everything at just the right angle to assemble THOUSANDS of them in just minutes.
But when I decided I wanted some custom “To Do” notepads, I really didn’t want to have them mass produced for two reasons – 1) I don’t need thousands of them, just two or so should last me the year; and 2) I really like to do things myself. “Stubbornly Independent” is what one of my co-workers calls me, and it’s true. Of course I take that as a compliment, and I’m not so sure that’s what he means 🙂 .