I’ve been a pretty small sized person my whole life. That’s not a humble brag, it’s just the truth. I’ve topped at at just a little over 5’2″, and I have a slim build, and that means I know the wonders of hemming pants.
But you know what never occurred to me? All those ill fitting shirts I own? I can fix those, too. Just by changing the t-shirt sleeve hem.
To be really honest, this is started of those procraftinating projects. You know, where you are supposed to be doing something real and serious, and somehow your mind wanders and you find something much more fun to do instead.
In this case, I was supposed to be purging my closet of things I don’t wear. This wasn’t some New Year’s resolution to be more Marie Kondo style. No – it’s more like I live in a house built in 1950, and shelves and closet space are at a premium.
So I came across my shelf of long sleeve T-shirts, the ones I never wear. I’ve tried to get rid of them before, but some hold memories in their artwork, and yes, I know you can make pillows or quilts with them, but I didn’t. So I decided this was going to be the year I let go, and I put them in the donation box.
Aaaaaaand then I pulled one out and tried it on. And the lightbulb went off. The reason why I don’t wear it is because it has those cuffed sleeves, and because the sleeves are way too long, the cuff causes the arm to pouf out and I look and feel ridiculous.

What if I hemmed the sleeves? Is a t-shirt sleeve hem a thing?
Turns out it’s thing. Click here to read more