In the Craft Room

Miniature Paper Hyacinths

My obsession with making easy paper flower crafts continues with Hyacinths.
It doesn't matter if Spring is looking like Winter still - bring your own bouquet to the front door |


I have actually tried to grow these more than once, but between the squirrels that kept digging up the bulbs, and our well intended but big-footed hound dog that squashed them like King Kong, they never fared well in the SuzerSpace yard.

I’ve seen a couple of posts on how to craft these up, and Pinterest is swarming with them, so I’ve course, I’m going to step in with my version as well.

This craft is super low tech – you need scissors, construction paper and glue.

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Stencil Painted T-Shirt

When I created my personalized bike license plate, I realized that the weeded part of the vinyl letters from my name would be a perfect stencil for a T-shirt.

I’ve painted T-shirts before, but not since I bought my Silhouette Cameo. Blogs abound with the instructions for cutting vinyl for a stencil and then painting either fabric or wood signs, and I definitely wanted to try this technique.

And it turns out it’s pretty easy and fun.

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Teeny Tiny Tip: Protect Your Work Area from Glue

Save you junk mail to create a protective surface for using a glue stick |

A glue stick is often my weapon of choice when putting together simple crafts. But the trick is finding a way to use it so that you can apply it and not turn everything else around it to a sticky mess.

Enter today’s teeny tiny tip – use your junk mail. Those magazines you get but you are positive you didn’t subscribe to? Perfect. Apply glue stick liberally to the item you want to stick together while it is on top of the first page of the magazine. Don’t worry about the glue that goes wide of the item. Keep moving the craft that needs to be glued to a safe spot on the sheet as you go, until that sheet is too sticky to use. Tear it off and recycle it, and guess what? Another sheet is ready to go, right below it.

Also visible in this photo is an even tinier tip – paperclips make great clamps for holding the edges of paper together as the glue dries.


Big Spring Flowers Picture Window

White flowers and butterflies cut from removable contact paper make a seasonal window display

In the back part of my kitchen I have a beautiful picture window. It lets in great light into the space, which normal people would use for an eat-in kitchen area.

I’m guessing you already know I don’t consider myself normal 🙂

Honestly, we eat at the coffee table in front of the TV. So that space in the kitchen has served as an office area for Mr. SuzerSpace for several years. Recently he vacated it so I could have it for my craft space.

And that big picture window is an excellent display space. Continue reading…

Bicycle License Plate

Personalized bicycle license plates made with the Silhouette Cameo


One of the great things about getting older is getting be to young again.


Well, when I was about 10, I had a bicycle, and there was an “S” on the seat, which I was sure was for “Susan” but turns out it was for Schwinn. And I wanted a license plate wth my name on it, but I never had one. Not sure why. My adult guess is that my sister’s name isn’t as common and it wouldn’t have been fair for me to have one and her not.

Fast forward 40-cough-cough-years, and I have a bicycle with an “S” on the post, which I am still sure is for “Susan”, but I bet the guys over at Specialized will disagree. Although they did send me some extra stickers when I asked, so they are still cool.

And when I realized I still wanted a license plate, I made one myself.

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