In the Craft Room

Sweatshirt Fleece Bow Style Ear Warmer

November Pinterest Challenge - making a sweatshirt fleece bow ear warmer |

It’s the third Tuesday of the month, so Welcome to the November Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

This month, I chose this tutorial for making my own fleece ear warmer.


Here’s the thing. I have to be super careful when I pick a sewing project, because while I have a wonderful sewing machine (thanks mom!), I have limited sewing skills.

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Chalkboard and Wood Slice Ornaments

A paper version of the popular chalkboard and woodslice christmas ornaments |

This is the eleventh in a series of twelve paper ornaments I’m making this year, one a month so that when December rolls around, I won’t be surprised to discover I’ve done nothing about my wish to have a fully paper crafted Christmas Tree.

I’ve talked about the concept of frequency illusion before, which is where when you are thinking about something it appears to be everywhere you look. And with social marketing programmers working behind the scenes, it is even more difficult to determine if something is a trend, or if it’s just being fed to you because you were already searching.

Either way, my Pinterest and Instagram is full of these wood slice, chalkboard painted, hand lettered ornaments, and I’m not complaining.

The title of this post is a little misleading – since this series is paper crafted ornaments, there is no chalkboard and no wood slice. But there is the look of both, in an easy to make project. Continue reading…

The Early Bird Gets The T-Shirt

Freezer paper stencil a custom T-shirt to show you are Team Early Bird! |

Are you Team Early Bird or Team Night Owl?

I used to be Team Always Tired, but a couple of years ago I took a look at how I was living, and made some big and little changes. Adding more movement to my day proved to be critical and I found out pretty quickly that I couldn’t be trusted to do any exercise after work.

But if I knock out 15 minutes of stretching followed by a 20 minute walk or bike ride first thing, I feel better all day. Plus, I find that once I get started I’ll keep moving all day, even with a desk job.

But getting up early still required a few tricks: Continue reading…

Mini Paper Tote Bag

Create mini paper tote bags perfect for holding a gift card from a 6 x 6 sheet of paper - a Pinterest Challenge inspired by a post from Bibi Cameron |

Create mini paper tote bags perfect for holding a gift card from a 6 x 6 sheet of paper - a Pinterest Challenge inspired by a post from Bibi Cameron |

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If it’s the third Tuesday of the Month, then it’s Pinterest Challenge Time!

Didn’t know that? No worries, I’ll explain –

There’s a group of bloggers, guided by Erlene at My Pinterventures who challenge themselves to create something from one of the many pins they have on their Pinterest boards.

As with almost anything Pinterest related, the real challenge for me was picking just one pin to focus on.

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