From a Tutorial

Faux Debossed Gift Tags

Duct tape and a cereal box become faux debossed gift tags in this Pinterest Challenge post |

Welcome to the February Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

If you’ve visited me here at SuzerSpace before, then you must have realized I really like lettering, and I really, really, really like to make things with the cardboard. So when this pin crossed my feed that featured both, you can guess that it was going on my “must make soon” list.

One picky note – the Pin and the post call these Embossed gift tags, but as a working member of the printing industry, I have to point out that these are actually Debossed. Embossing is when you press up an image from the back side and it stands UP. Debossing is the opposite – you press an image INTO an object. So mine are faux debossed gift tags!

Francesca at Fall for DIY created these using specialty duct tape, but I’m more of a #usewhatyouhave kind of crafter, so I went with the tried and true silver kind. We have a big roll of the super duper sticky stuff that lives in the basement, right near the dryer vent that cannot be easily connected to the basement window. The evildoer who previously owned our home made several very interesting decisions (ask me about the built in cabinet for a refrigerator that is not a standard refrigerator size some time).

My favorite craft stock of a cereal box is just perfect for these – thin enough to cut easily, thick enough to not get all bent up once finished.


Painted Monster Rocks

Turn rocks into fun monsters with just a little paint and a lot of imagination |

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Welcome to the third Tuesday of the month (What? How is that possible?), which means it is Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop Time hosted by My Pinterventures.

The purpose of the Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

Sometimes I like to work on really intricate crafts with lots of pieces, measuring and patience. And other times, I really just want to do something that looks to be really easy and fun.

Enter this month’s pin –

I’ve had it on my board for a while, with a bunch of other painted rock pins.

Side story – Mr. SuzerSpace and I like to walk to a neighborhood grocery store on Saturday mornings. The route takes us past some of those Little Free Libraries and a super cute little stand that is called “The Art Tree” which operates on the take-a-penny leave-a-penny principle in that you are supposed to leave an object of art if you make one, and take one when you need one.

Conveniently, the stand is near a schoolyard full of rocks.

I think you can guess where this is going.

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Christmas Tree Skirt

SuzerSpace finally gets a finished Christmas Tree Skirt thanks to a Pinterest Challenge.

It’s the third Tuesday of the month, so welcome to the December Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

We moved into this house right around Christmas in 1998, and things were so chaotic we didn’t even have a tree. We strung some lights on a dying potted plant and concentrated on unpacking boxes and getting moved in, and called it good.

Our house isn’t very big, and we needed a slim tree to fit the space without overwhelming the living room. Good ones were expensive, but I kept on watching the sales and eventually found something perfect for us. And then I realized at the last minute that I didn’t have a tree skirt, so I bought this cute buffalo plaid throw with moose and bears on it, scrunched it up around the base of the tree and called that good, too.

And that has worked perfectly, for nearly 20 years, mostly because I always think about doing something more coordinated on the day we are setting up the tree, which means it doesn’t get done.

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Sweatshirt Fleece Bow Style Ear Warmer

November Pinterest Challenge - making a sweatshirt fleece bow ear warmer |

It’s the third Tuesday of the month, so Welcome to the November Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

This month, I chose this tutorial for making my own fleece ear warmer.


Here’s the thing. I have to be super careful when I pick a sewing project, because while I have a wonderful sewing machine (thanks mom!), I have limited sewing skills.

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Mini Paper Tote Bag

Create mini paper tote bags perfect for holding a gift card from a 6 x 6 sheet of paper - a Pinterest Challenge inspired by a post from Bibi Cameron |

Create mini paper tote bags perfect for holding a gift card from a 6 x 6 sheet of paper - a Pinterest Challenge inspired by a post from Bibi Cameron |

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If it’s the third Tuesday of the Month, then it’s Pinterest Challenge Time!

Didn’t know that? No worries, I’ll explain –

There’s a group of bloggers, guided by Erlene at My Pinterventures who challenge themselves to create something from one of the many pins they have on their Pinterest boards.

As with almost anything Pinterest related, the real challenge for me was picking just one pin to focus on.

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