Just about every day since before Halloween, I’ve been told that Thanksgiving is going to be late this year.
Last week it did feel like it should be time for a holiday, but I didn’t kick into high gear until the weekend, grabbing my trusty recipe and shopping lists and checking out the food section of the New York Times to see if there was anything new I’d like to add.
Once that was under control, it was time to turn to decorating.

Place cards are fun, even if it’s just two for dinner. I created these Turkey place cards based off the artwork I drew up for last year’s Turkey door hanger. You can grab the file in my Etsy shop by clicking the image.
The turkey place cards are sized so they fit two on a standard letter size sheet of paper. I recommend printing them on medium weight card stock. If they were printed on copy paper, they’d flop over.

Once the turkey place cards were printed, I used a scoring tool where the folds are going to go (I drew dashed lines on the printout as a guide). A scoring tool is helpful, but I sometimes just use my X-acto knife and just barely kisscut the paper. A ball point pen that is out of ink also makes a good upcycled scoring tool, too.

It’s easiest to write the names on the turkey place cards before they are folded. These would also be great to use to identify dishes on a buffet table. Picky eaters like me would especially like to know if a dish is vegetarian friendly.
Once the wording is set, the turkey place cards just need to be cut on the solid lines. I use an X-acto knife but a paper trimmer or even scissors would work here as well.
Fold on the score lines, and then depending on the paper used, it will either sit with the front panel against the small flap, or a bit of tape or glue might be needed to keep that flap in place.
Pin this to your Thanksgiving board so you’ll have it when you are ready to decorate for the holiday!

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