This year, as I was cutting a new monster for my front window, I remembered that I had pinned another project that I wanted to do for Halloween.
But when I thought about it, making all those pieces and crawling around on my stairs didn’t sound like that much fun. Plus, I’d need to clean the stairs of all the dust and cobwebs. And then I saw this post on Instagram, and realized that a) I did not need to clean, and b) I could just put happy bats all over my stairs and it would be just as cute and my knees would thank me for it.
Bats have made several appearances at SuzerSpace, so I don’t think you’ll be surprised to find they are back for this year’s Halloween.
And as always, I don’t make scary Halloween decorations. I’m in it for the happy versions only.
I’ve included the files to make a happy bat so you can make your own. Just click here or click the image to the left to download a zip file that contains SVG, JPEG, PNG and DXF files. You can resize them and make whatever you like, but this is for personal use only – not for use in anything you sell.
I made mine out of black Contact paper, since I wanted these to be super temporary, and the last thing I wanted to do was damage the paint on my stairs.
I grouped and copied and pasted the bat several times in two sizes to fill up my sheet, and then sent it to cut.

When I use Contact paper in my Silhouette Cameo, I cut it down to a 8.5 x 11 sheet, and then put it on my mat, because I find it’s too curly to cut without a mat. I use the regular settings for “Vinyl, Glossy” and they work well for me, but you might consider doing a test cut before committing to a full sheet.

Once the sheet was all weeded, I used transfer tape to move them to the stairs. In the photo above, you can also see a neat trick I picked up somewhere – if you add a little flag of masking tape to the top of your hook tool, it will quit rolling off the table and crashing to the floor.
I had a few bats left over so I added them around the house. Won’t Mr. SuzerSpace be delighted as he finds them in all sorts of odd places 😉 ?

If you create your own happy bats, I’d love it if you’d tag me on Instagram so I can see them – I’m @suzerspace.
Pin this so you’ll be able to download your happy bat files whenever you need them.

This post will be linked up at some of these great locations.
Your cute little bats are lovely and could be popped almost anyway to decorate