A few posts back I wrote about my frustration with the Martha Stewart website. The short version is I found a pin on Pinterest that I wanted to craft, and the pin led me to a video, but the promised template was nowhere to be found.
I created my own card, and it was super fun, but the idea of that little triangle template kind of haunted me, and recently I suddenly needed to make a congratulatory banner for a coworker.
Because I like to make things harder than they need to be 🙂 I decided to make that little template myself, and then see if I could make a Congratulations cubicle banner in less than five minutes using very ordinary materials.
The template I created is attached to this post (take that, Martha Stewart IT people!) so you can make your own. You don’t need any fancy tools. Just a black and white printer (colored paper if you are feeling fancy), scissors, glue stick (glue or tape will work, too) and some string.
Step by Step Instructions:
Grab the template file here .

Print it at full size on your printer.

Fold it in half lengthwise. Depending on how good your printer is at centering things, you might have to fold it slightly off center – the key is to not have any of the triangle pieces showing on the front side of your banner.

This is what makes the Martha Stewart craft so good – you won’t have any cutting lines showing on the front of your banner.
Cut from the back side. You should end up with lots of little diamonds, which fold in half into triangles. The letters go on the front, the backs are blank.

Arrange the letters in the order that they need to go, and then cut your string to be long enough for the letters, plus some extra for the loops to hang on the pins. I don’t have string in my desk at work, but I did have dental floss, and it worked perfectly.
Rub a little glue stick on one half of the letter, and then fold it over the string and press the sides together.
Create the little hanging loops, and then attach the banner to the cubicle wall while your co-worker is not looking.
Pin this so when you are at work and suddenly need to create a Congratulations Cubicle Banner you will be all set!

This post will be added to some of these link ups.
Such cute, I love mini anything!
Don’t be dissing our Martha though …. ;-D
(I might allow a minor grumble about her IT people !!!)