Hello February!

Crafting for the Super Bowl? Pro-tip - regulation NFL footballs don't have the white stripes on the side. Those are for college | suzerspace.com

January can be a long, dragged out affair of gray weather in Kansas City, and the sudden halt to all the holiday fun coupled with those dreary skies can be a definite mood killer.

I set up myself up for success this year by taking all the Monday’s off from my day job. I have been there long enough to earn an extra week of vacation, and setting up 5 three day weekends sounded much more fun than a week off with no real plan.

I also was super nice to myself and made a hard and fast rule to NOT schedule any adult tasks for those Mondays off – so no doctor appointments!

Three things we’ve really been into in January at SuzerSpace:

1. This recipe . I’ve linked it before, but every time I make it, I cannot believe how great it tastes compared to the simple, inexpensive ingredients and easy steps. I sub standard white beans for the gigantic ones listed in the recipe.

2. This knife . A Christmas present to ourselves, this has turned out to be the perfect kitchen knife for someone who has never had good knives. Also handy – this series of videos for improving your knife skills.

3. This sewing hack . I’m short, so I hem a lot. And I’ve thought about buying those pre-made hem gauges, but I never do. If you’ve read this blog, you know I love cardboard and have lots of access to it, so this has been a game changer.

Coming up in February:

1. A new cardboard door decoration, with a twist! This one will span more than one holiday/event/season.

2. Racing season starts (well, actually it started last weekend with the 24 hours at Rolex, but NASCAR kicks of their season at Daytona, and then it’s 43 weekends of  Mr. SuzerSpace being glued to the TV on Sundays, which means more crafting time for me!

3. I hear there is some sort of football game on this weekend? I’m not all that into the Super Bowl this weekend, partly because I’m really tired of the Patriots, and even more so because the KC Chiefs got themselves so close to getting in that I wore myself out. But here’s a pro-tip if you are crafting for the event – NFL footballs do NOT have that white stripe on the edges. That’s for college only.
